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Colorful Circles

Initial Appointment

An initial assessment appointment is made to discuss your personal situation, and begin a clinical intake. At the end of this appointment, it will be decided whether further clinical investigation for ADHD, Autism or both is needed. 

Colorful Circles

Assessment Appointments

For further investigation of ADHD, three clinical appointments are required.


For Autism assessments, four clinical appointments are required. Autism assessments require more detailed history taking along with completing gold standard questionnaires. 


If both ADHD and Autism needs to be investigated, a clinical assessment plan will be developed in the initial appointment.

Colorful Circles

Intervention Appointments

Based on the results of your assessment, appointments can to made to provide further intervention or support based on your personal goals and needs. 



* All ADHD assessments are compliant with the National ADHD guidelines (2022)


* All Autism assessments are compliant with the National guidelines for the assessment and diagnosis of Autism in Australia (2023).  

1. Book an initial appointment for 50 minutes.


2. Prior to your initial appointment you will be emailed a personal history questionnaire to fill out and email back.


3. You will also be emailed some online questionnaires to complete before your initial appointment. These results will be discussed in your appointment, and can identify any potential co-existing conditions. Further history taking will also be completed during this time. 


4. Based on the results of your online questionnaires and initial assessment, it will be determined whether further clinical appointments are needed to assess for ADHD, Autism or both. Subsequent appointments are for 50 minutes.


5. Prior to your second assessment appointment, you will be emailed additional online questionnaires to complete. The results of these online psychometric questionnaires will assist with the clinical interview, diagnosis and report completion.


6. Instructions for the online questionnaires

  • Complete these in your own time

  • Allow time to complete these before your appointment

  • Answer every question​

  • The results will be discussed in your appointment time


7. At your final appointment you will be provided with feedback, and a basic diagnostic report along with recommendations.


8. If you required a detailed comprehensive report, this can be discussed prior to your initial appointment to outline additional costs

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